An Elephant Sitting Still is a gripping drama that follows the intersecting lives of several characters as they navigate through a day of desperation and longing. In a small city in China, four strangers find themselves entangled in a web of personal struggles, including infidelity, violence, and existential loneliness. As their paths converge, they embark on a quest to find solace and redemption in the presence of an elusive elephant that promises to bring them freedom from their entrapment.
Tabu is a tragic romance set on an exotic island in the South Pacific. It tells the story of a pearl diver who falls in love with a young girl, but their love is threatened by a series of tragic events and cultural barriers. The film explores themes of love, sacrifice, and the clash between nature and civilization.
Starting in 1944 in the wake of the Liberation and continuing into the '60s, 'houses of hope' were established to lend a semblance of continuity to youngsters orpahaned by the war. Nina's Home takes place between September 1944 and January 1946 in an orphanage housed in a chateau outside Paris. At the outset, the country residence is run by Nina who has a core population of French Jewish children whose parents are probably dead. Food is scarce. News of the Concentration Camps hasn't hit yet, but some months later, a contingent of youths arrive form the liberated camps. The children are a disparate, wild, damaged group and conflicts ensue. Nina's challenge is to help them make their first delicate moves toward the future and in the process restore all of them, including herself, to life.
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