Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out! follows the story of an introverted college student named Shinichi Sakurai who prefers to be alone. However, his solitude is interrupted by Uzaki Hana, an eccentric and energetic girl who loves to socialize and hang out. Despite his initial reluctance, Shinichi gradually discovers the joys of friendship and the excitement of stepping outside his comfort zone.
A cranky history teacher named Paul Hunham is forced to stay at a remote prep school over the Christmas holidays. He is accompanied by Angus, a troubled student who always gets into trouble, and Mary, a grieving cook. Despite their differences, they form a bond and help each other realize that they have the power to shape their own futures.
Evil is a powerful drama based on a true story set in a 1950s boarding school, where a young rebel must face the sadistic and fascist system of discipline. He forms unlikely friendships and plots revenge against the oppressive regime.
A visionary sheik believes his passion for salmon fishing can enrich the lives of his people, and he dreams of bringing the sport to the not so fish-friendly desert. Willing to spare no expense, he instructs his representative to turn the dream into reality, an extraordinary feat that will require the involvement of Britain's leading fisheries expert who happens to think the project both absurd and unachievable. That is, until the Prime Minister's overzealous press secretary latches on to it as a 'good will' story. Now, this unlikely team will put it all on the line and embark on an upstream journey of faith and fish to prove the impossible, possible.
Oliver Twist is a young orphan boy who escapes from a life of child labor and abuse in an orphanage. He inadvertently becomes a member of a pickpocket gang led by the notorious Fagin. As Oliver tries to find a sense of belonging, he encounters danger, adventure, and unexpected friendships.
Goal! is the story of Santiago Muñez, a young man living in the slums of Mexico who dreams of becoming a professional soccer player. Despite facing various obstacles, he manages to secure a tryout with a prestigious English football club. As Santiago embarks on this journey, he must navigate through the challenges of adapting to a new country, dealing with the pressures of the sport, and facing personal struggles.
A group of students at a girls' boarding school in the 1960s find themselves trapped in a nightmare when a series of disappearances and bizarre occurrences plague the school. As they struggle to uncover the truth, they encounter witchcraft, violence, and supernatural forces that threaten their lives.
Evelyn is a story about an Irish family torn apart when the father, Desmond, leaves his wife and three children. Evelyn, his young daughter, is sent to an orphanage while her brothers are sent to a boys' dormitory. Determined to be reunited with her family, Evelyn takes legal action with the help of a sympathetic solicitor and barrister. Together, they fight for Evelyn's right to be with her mother and siblings, challenging the Irish government and the Catholic Church in the process. The outcome of the legal battle has the potential to bring about significant social change.
When a college student journalist uncovers a secret society at his Ivy League school, he becomes caught up in a dangerous web of power, wealth, and secrets. As he delves deeper into the organization, he discovers that their influence reaches far beyond the campus, putting his life in danger.
In 1969 England, a boarding school is struck by a mysterious epidemic of fainting spells. As the girls struggle to understand and cope with their unexplained blackouts, a deepening sense of anxiety and tension begins to grip the school. Amidst this unsettling atmosphere, a teenager named Lydia embarks on a journey of self-discovery and sexual awakening, challenging the societal norms of the time. With themes of female friendship, mother-daughter relationships, and the exploration of repressed desires, 'The Falling' explores the complexities of adolescent experiences.
A young law student at Harvard Law School named Hart works hard to keep up with the demanding curriculum. As he navigates the competitive environment, he forms a close bond with a respected professor and grapples with the pressures of his studies. Along the way, he falls in love, faces sexism and rivalries, and learns valuable lessons about himself and the legal profession.
In a territorial prison in the 1880s, a crooked man manipulates and schemes his way through various situations, including a prison riot and a search for hidden gold, all while dealing with corrupt wardens and a snake-infested environment.
Zero for Conduct is a comedy-drama film from 1933 about a group of boys who revolt against the strict rules of their boarding school. The film follows their comedic and subversive attempts to challenge the authority of their teachers and the headmaster. With themes of rebellion, pranks, and student camaraderie, Zero for Conduct is a timeless portrayal of teenage rebellion and the desire for freedom.
The Chaos Class follows the misadventures of a group of mischievous students who often find themselves in hilarious and chaotic situations. From love letters and grass pranks to school bells and friendships, the movie explores the antics of the students and their interactions with the school staff. With a touch of drama, the film also delves into themes of friendship, loyalty, and the ups and downs of school life.
In 'Safe,' a suburban housewife in 1987 Los Angeles begins to suffer from an unexplained illness. As her condition worsens, she becomes convinced that she is being poisoned by her environment and seeks refuge in a health retreat. However, her search for safety and answers only deepens her isolation and paranoia.
A 16-year-old girl, Rebecca, arrives at an all-girls boarding school where she becomes friends with a group of girls. However, Rebecca becomes increasingly obsessed with the new girl, Ernessa, who she believes is a vampire. As Rebecca's paranoia grows, she begins to suspect that Ernessa is targeting her friends, leading to a series of supernatural murders. The movie explores themes of obsession, friendship, and the supernatural.
Standing Tall is a drama film about a delinquent teenage boy who is sent to a rehabilitation center and finds an opportunity for redemption. The film explores his journey of coming-of-age and the challenges he faces in the process. It touches upon themes of juvenile delinquency, fear, and the pursuit of a better life.
In 1930s Germany, a neurotic professor grapples with the ethical implications of living under the Nazi regime, while also dealing with personal dilemmas and relationships.
In 'The Chaos Class Is Waking Up,' a group of students in a private school find themselves in a series of comedic adventures. They dig a tunnel, cheat in a game, and pull pranks on their teachers, causing chaos and laughter. As they navigate through high school life, they learn about camaraderie, friendship, and the consequences of their actions.
Lourdes follows Christine, a woman with multiple sclerosis, as she travels to the Catholic pilgrimage site of Lourdes in hopes of finding a miracle cure. Along the way, she forms unlikely friendships and experiences moments of doubt and hope.