Cargo is a post-apocalyptic drama set in Australia, where a man named Andy must protect his infant daughter from a dangerous world infested with zombies. With only 48 hours left until he turns into one of them after being bitten, Andy embarks on a desperate journey to find a new home for his baby girl.
Vincent is a gothic and macabre short film that follows the story of a young boy named Vincent Malloy. He lives in a world filled with darkness and surrealism, where he daydreams about being Vincent Price, a famous actor known for his roles in horror films. Vincent's imagination leads him to imagine himself in various monstrous scenarios, but in reality, he is just a lonely boy trapped in his own dark world.
Elizabeth Is Missing follows the story of Maud, a woman with dementia who becomes obsessed with finding her missing friend, Elizabeth. As Maud's memory deteriorates, she navigates through multiple timelines and uncovers dark secrets. The film showcases the complexities of Maud's relationship with her daughter and the challenges faced by caregivers. It explores themes of friendship, loss, and the effects of dementia on the individual and their loved ones.
When Maggie invites a stranger into her home, she is confronted with the very thing she has been trying to avoid.
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