In the movie 'Dinosaur,' a courageous and caring talking dinosaur, along with a group of friends, embark on a perilous journey to find a safe haven after an asteroid strike threatens their existence. They face challenges, encounter carnivorous dinosaurs, and work together to overcome obstacles, showcasing the importance of teamwork, friendship, and survivalism. With stunning animation and a heartwarming story, 'Dinosaur' takes viewers on an epic adventure in the prehistoric world.
The Well-Digger's Daughter tells the story of an 18-year-old girl in the south of France who becomes pregnant out of wedlock, causing conflict with her father. As she navigates the challenges of being a pregnant teenager in a conservative society, she also faces class differences, the return of an outcast, and the pressures of societal expectations. Through it all, she finds love and support from unexpected sources.
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