In a Country of Undone Homework follows the story of a lazy student who struggles to complete his homework. He faces various difficulties and dangerous obstacles as he tries to cope with the consequences of his laziness. With the help of a polar bear, a digger, and other unexpected allies, he navigates through the challenges and learns valuable lessons along the way.
A struggling filmmaker in Peru faces bullying and supernatural forces as he tries to make his movie. He deals with issues such as cheating husband, maternal love, sibling relationship, marriage, divorce, film criticism, poisoning, sorcery, and the battle between good and evil.
East Shinjuku Night High School has students with various challenges. Delinquent Taketo is trapped in a negative spiral. Filipina-Japanese Angela struggles with schoolwork, while Kasumi spends all her class hours in the infirmary. Shozo had to leave school to work in his youth. With guidance from their new science teacher, Fujitake, they work on an experiment for an academic conference.
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