Quanzhi Fashi (2016) follows the story of a young man with unique elemental powers who enrolls in a magic school. Despite facing bullying and discrimination, he strives to seek revenge and overcome his challenges. Set in a world where science has been replaced by magic, the protagonist must navigate the complexities of school life while honing his abilities and facing dangerous situations. With themes of friendship, perseverance, and the pursuit of justice, Quanzhi Fashi (2016) offers a captivating tale of a high schooler's journey in a magical world.
Nature Cat can’t wait to get outside for a day of backyard nature excursions and bravery! But there’s one problem; he’s still a house cat with no real instincts for nature. That doesn’t stop this passionate and curious feline, who loves learning and experiencing all he can about nature.
Peter is approaching 30 and still trying to navigate modern online dating culture. After a whimsical, romantic evening with a mysterious young woman ends with him waking up alone, Peter tries to put the night behind him by turning to a mythically effective dating site guaranteed to find his perfect match. But with each date from the site, Peter notices strange similarities between each woman and that first amazing date. As he learns the truth about their connection, he'll discover a whole new world of people and experiences that will make him question the nature of identity, attraction, and love.
Tim is longing for love and connection with other people. He’s a lonely human being who struggles with exclusion every day. Every time Tim feels different, he transforms into a French bulldog.
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