Blue Hawaii is a romantic comedy musical set in Hawaii in the 1960s. It follows the story of Chad, a recently discharged Army veteran, who returns to his home in Hawaii and takes a job as a tour guide. Along the way, he falls in love with a beautiful local girl named Maile, but their relationship is threatened by various obstacles and misunderstandings. With the help of his friends and the power of music, Chad tries to overcome these challenges and find true love.
Diamond Head is a drama romance movie set in Hawaii in the 1950s. The story revolves around a judge and his dysfunctional family, facing racial prejudice and opposition in their community. The judge embarks on a forbidden love affair with his mistress, leading to a child born out of wedlock. The movie explores themes of redemption, cross-cultural relationships, and the challenges faced by mixed-race individuals in a society plagued by bigotry.
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