All Over the Guy is a hilarious romantic comedy that explores themes of love, friendship, masculinity, and self-discovery. The story follows Eli and Tom, two very different men who are brought together by the trials and tribulations of the dating world. As they navigate the ups and downs of their own relationships, they begin to realize that love can be both messy and beautiful. With a witty script and charming performances, All Over the Guy is a delightful exploration of modern love.
After a failed audition, music producer Kristin is magically transported back to her past self in 1996. She must navigate her teenage years again to mend her relationship with her estranged mother and change the future. With the help of her best friend and a doppelganger, Kristin learns the true meaning of Christmas and discovers the power of forgiveness and second chances.
Lou and Chantal are gonna blow up. One day. Somehow. But girls don't get out of Coberge, Ontario by playing nice. All they've ever wanted, was to feel what it's like to be free.
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