Kundun is a captivating biographical drama that follows the life of the 14th Dalai Lama. The movie portrays the struggles and challenges faced by the teenage boy as he becomes the spiritual leader of Tibet. Set against the backdrop of political conflicts and the invasion of Tibet by China, Kundun showcases the courage and resilience of the Dalai Lama and his journey in finding his place in the world.
In this thought-provoking documentary, filmmaker Rick Ray sits down with the Dalai Lama to ask him 10 profound questions about life, spirituality, and the pursuit of happiness. Through their conversations, the Dalai Lama shares his insights on compassion, nonviolence, and the importance of inner peace for achieving a harmonious world.
Karma, a Tibetan filmmaker from New York, goes to Dharamsala, the Dalai Lama's exile headquarters in northern India, to make a documentary about former political prisoners who have escaped from Tibet. She wants to reconnect with her roots but is also escaping a deteriorating relationship back home.One of Karma's interviewees is Dhondup, an enigmatic ex-monk who has just escaped from Tibet. He confides in her that his real reason for coming to India is to fulfill his dying mother's last wish, to deliver a charm box to a long-missing resistance fighter. Karma finds herself unwittingly falling in love with Dhondup even as she is sucked into the passion of his quest, which becomes a journey into Tibet's fractured past and a voyage of self-discovery
This documentary tells the tragic story surrounding one of the world's most influential spiritual leaders, the Dalai Lama, and the lengths to which people will go in order to experience his power Tibetan Refugee film. After the Chinese government forced him out of his native Tibet, the Dalai Lama settled in Northern India. Featuring interviews with scholars and those who made the same trek over the mighty Himalayas, TIBETAN REFUGEE is a testament to the power of the human spirit.
This documentary tells the story of the women of Tibet who quietly revolutionized their society amidst oppression and exile. It explores themes of sacrifice, nonviolence, and feminism as they struggle for human rights and freedom.
Kerala-based George Nair is an efficiency expert who travels to Pune to provide a report on downsizing. He is met with the firm's Vice-President, Malathy Chandran, and must come up with a plan to let go a number of employees. Both spend time together and Malathy confides how she had exchanged matrimonial correspondence with another male from Kerala, while George describes his family, his Hindu mother and Christian father, and his elder brother who has been missing for two months. Neither are aware that George's brother, and the male that Malathy refers to, is one and the same. Will they find out his whereabouts?
Hummus Curry is a documentary film that delves into the fascinating world of Indian and Israeli cultures colliding in the context of hummus. The film takes the viewers on a journey through the diverse landscapes and culinary traditions of both countries, exploring the shared history and unique flavors that contribute to the popularity of this beloved dish. Through interviews with chefs, food experts, and locals, Hummus Curry uncovers the hidden stories behind the creation and consumption of hummus in these contrasting cultures.
Thinley and Nyima are Tibetans in exile in India. Barely able to make a living, they are now expecting a child. Is there still hope despite all these challenges?
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