In the 1930s, a French convict named Papillon befriends a fellow criminal, Dega, as they begin their sentence on Devil's Island, a penal colony in South America. Papillon, determined to escape, convinces Dega to join him in his plan. They endure harsh conditions, crocodile attacks, and betrayal as they make their way to freedom. Despite setbacks and the passage of time, Papillon's determination leads him to eventually succeed and outlive the prison.
Papillon is based on the true story of Henri Charrière, a convicted murderer who escapes from the infamous Devil's Island prison in French Guiana. Along with his fellow inmate, Louis Dega, Papillon forms an unlikely friendship as they navigate through treacherous conditions to regain their freedom.
Three convicts escape from Devil's Island and stumble upon a small French town. They decide to pose as benefactors to a struggling family during Christmas, but their criminal tendencies get in the way.
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