Louder Than Bombs follows a family as they navigate the aftermath of the death of their wife and mother, who was a war photographer. The father, a high school teacher, and his two sons are left struggling to come to terms with their loss and reconnect with each other. The film explores themes of grief, mental illness, and family relationships.
In 'All Night Long 2', a peaceful teenager becomes the victim of a sadistic gang who subject him to extreme violence, sexual abuse, and torture. The film explores themes of misogyny, sexual violence, and turning the tables on predators.
In the Basement is a documentary that delves into the secret activities that occur in the basements of various individuals. From unique hobbies to dark obsessions, the film sheds light on the hidden aspects of people's lives.
The Local Stigmatic is a dark drama that explores themes of jealousy, twisted behavior, and the pursuit of fame. The story follows two men who engage in a mind game fueled by their own insecurities and a desire for power. Their actions have destructive consequences and reveal the darker aspects of human nature.
The Pogo Film Project shows the intimate side of Gacy’s atrocities; the murders themselves! With a bit of embellishing on the part of the writer, several scenarios play out illustrating how Gacy was able to subdue, torture and murder several young men in his home.
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