Pet Peeve is a hilarious animated short film that follows the ongoing feud between Tom the cat and Jerry the mouse. Their constant competition and rivalry lead to surreal and humorous situations. With classic cartoon elements and slapstick comedy, this short film is sure to entertain audiences of all ages.
In 'There They Go-Go-Go!' (1956), Wile E. Coyote follows various unsuccessful strategies to capture the speedy Road Runner. From traps and guns to falling rocks and dynamite, the famished cartoon coyote tries everything in his power to catch the elusive cartoon bird.
People of No Importance is a drama set in the 1950s that follows the intertwined lives of various characters. This heartfelt story explores themes of love, secrets, and the struggles faced by everyday people. The plot delves into the relationships and experiences of a truck driver, a pregnant woman, a hotel maid, a prostitute, and others. As the characters navigate their own challenges, they form unexpected connections and find solace in each other's company.
In 'Scrambled Aches,' Wile E. Coyote tries various unsuccessful methods to catch the elusive Road Runner, leading to comedic mishaps and outrageous situations.
War widow and pre-teen daughter leave home of tyrannical father-in-law in Florida, get lost on a detour, and find shelter at a nudist colony.
In Sheep Ahoy, Ralph Wolf tries to catch Sam Sheepdog off-guard in an effort to steal the flock of sheep. Through various tactics, including disguises and dynamite, Ralph continually fails in his attempts. The film showcases the comedic rivalry and clever strategies between Ralph Wolf and Sam Sheepdog.
Wile E. Coyote is both thirsty and hungry in this one. He keeps seeing mirages of oases in the desert as he chases the Road Runner.
Jack Frost is a silent comedy short
The freshman and sophomore classes of Barton College get into a brawl over possession of a goat, then decide to settle the dispute with an auto race.
The confidence-tricking Crow attempts to make the conscientious Fox the victim of various accidents in order to convince him that he needs to buy insurance.
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