In post-war Japan, a traumatized pilot must confront his survivor's guilt and join forces with a team to defeat Godzilla, a giant monster created by atomic bomb radiation. As they devise plans and engage in battles, they realize the true cost of war and the power of redemption.
When a meteorite lands on Earth, it possesses a princess and causes her to predict the future. As monsters begin to terrorize the city, a detective, a scientist, and a reporter team up to save humanity from the three-headed monster known as Ghidorah.
As the New Madrid Fault threatens to tear the U.S. in half, a desperate team of seismologists and government agents race to prevent disaster while the clock ticks down.
Gorgo is a movie about a giant prehistoric creature that is captured and brought to London to be displayed as a spectacle. However, when the creature's mother comes looking for her baby, chaos ensues as the monsters wreak havoc on the city. It is up to a group of scientists and the Royal Navy to try and stop the rampage before it destroys everything in its path.
In the midst of an earthquake, a wealthy family is separated and each member must navigate the challenges of their individual circumstances. As they come to terms with their fates, they find love, encounter treachery, and ultimately seek justice.
About a woman who was a child refugee from the Spanish Civil War, and is now living as an adult in Mexico City. She tries to remember the traumatic events of her childhood.
Pica-Don is a surreal and heartbreaking animation that follows the story of a young child living in Hiroshima during World War Two. The film depicts the devastating effects of the atomic bomb, including the horrifying imagery of melting bodies and burning deaths. Amidst the chaos and destruction, the child finds solace in the sound of cicadas and the ticking clock. Pica-Don explores themes of innocence, loss, and the traumatic impact of war.
For many ages the Armenian nation, having no statehood, has concentrated all its values in the family and made it the center of the national spirit. The main characters of the film arrived in northern Armenia and not from paradise. They are refugees who escaped from violence. Both of them are young. The woman is pregnant. They create a world around themselves, and thus create themselves.
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