When a mysterious creature suddenly appears in Tokyo and begins wreaking havoc, the government and its bureaucrats find themselves ill-equipped to handle the situation. As the monster, now known as Godzilla, grows larger and more destructive, the city is thrown into chaos. With the threat of lethal radiation and political incompetence hindering their efforts, the Japanese Self-Defense Force and a team of scientists must find a way to stop the monster before Tokyo is completely destroyed.
In the year 2021, a courier named Johnny Mnemonic, who has a computer chip implanted in his brain, is tasked with delivering sensitive information. As he races against time, he encounters assassins, hitmen, and a pharmaceutical corporation that will stop at nothing to get hold of the valuable data. With the help of a bodyguard and a group of rebels, Johnny must navigate a dangerous world of virtual reality and high-stakes deception.
An Indian agent named Pathaan, along with his team of former RAW agents, must stop a mercenary organization from launching an apocalyptic attack on India. As they track down the mercenary, they uncover a plot involving a mutated smallpox virus and a race against time to develop a vaccine. Along the way, Pathaan faces betrayal, captures, and torture, but ultimately manages to thwart the mercenary's plans and save his country.
From his poor childhood to his rise to fame, from his triumphs to his failures, from Paris to New York, discover the exceptional journey of an artist. Intimate, intense, fragile and indestructible, devoted to his art until the very end, here is one of the most immortal singers of all time: MONSIEUR AZNAVOUR.
In a post-apocalyptic world where Earth is in the midst of an ice age, a group of survivors living in an underground colony must fend off attacks from a cannibalistic group known as the Reavers. As supplies dwindle and tensions rise, the survivors must navigate the treacherous terrain and face their own inner demons in order to ensure their survival.
In a remote village on the border of Iraq, a schoolteacher named Baran takes on the role of sheriff after the previous sheriff is killed. Baran faces challenges such as tribal conflict, violence, and the fight for justice in a society deeply rooted in tribal customs. Along the way, he encounters a female guerrilla leader, deals with drug trafficking, and must navigate the sexist attitudes towards women in the village.
A vampire returns to San Francisco to create a cult of the living dead.
Chronicle of the unheralded and unsuccessful invasion of the Soviet Union by the Italian army during World War II.
After explosions destroy all the bridges connecting Manhattan to the rest of New York, the authorities attribute the disaster to a terrorist organization. New York cop Jake Gorki, flying over the Federal Reserve Bank in his helicopter, suspects something else: a robbery.
Casey Jones is one of the best engineers there is and it is his duty to get his cargo to its destination on time via train. He sets off but is set back by a number of unfortunate circumstances such as a rain storm, a cow on the tracks, a mad bomber, and finally, when his train starts falling apart. Worst of all, he is on a collision course with another train coming in the opposite direction. After a terrific crash, the man at the train station assumes the worst when Casey doesn't show up but, to his delight, Casey finally makes it to his destination a total wreck but on time (almost).
PRC Pictures' final 1941 release, Law of the Timber was based on a story by North Woods specialist James Oliver Curwood.
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