In the small town of Sand Rock, Arizona, an astronomer named John Putnam witnesses a meteorite crashing to Earth. He later discovers that the meteorite was actually an alien spacecraft and tries to convince his fellow citizens of an impending alien invasion. However, no one believes him except for his girlfriend and a few others. As the town becomes divided between those who believe in the existence of the aliens and those who don't, John must find a way to protect his loved ones and stop the invasion.
In the 1950s, a dysfunctional family living on a farm in California becomes the target of an alien creature that possesses animals and manipulates their minds. As the family's isolation is disrupted, their mental state deteriorates, leading to paranoia, insanity, and a fight for survival against the bodiless entity. Will they be able to escape the clutches of the multi-eyed monster?
The Pigeon People takes you deep into Arizona's underground pigeon racing scene as racing rivals prepare for and compete in the Grand Canyon Classic - a 350-mile pigeon race from Utah to Arizona that crosses over the Grand Canyon.
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