In a future where telekinesis is possible, an apprentice with a powerful mind-control ability discovers a comet that has the potential to destroy a planet. As he becomes consumed by his ambition to master his power, he must decide the fate of the exploding planet.
Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote are back! The lovable characters have transitioned to the third dimension in the new series of animated shorts being produced by Warner Brothers. Wile E. Coyote is up to his old tricks in newfangled stereoscopic 3D. Hilarity ensues as per usual, check out the crazy antics in Looney Tunes: Rabid Rider
A documentary profiling the history of Tucson, Arizona's eclectic music scene. The past two decades have seen a number of singular talents emerge from Tucson, including Giant Sand's Howe Gelb, who has been called "the godfather of the alt-country movement," seminal blues slide-guitarist Rainer Ptaček, and original cow punk Al Perry. The city has also spawned more popular acts including Calexico, the Supersuckers and Machines of Loving Grace.
Lo Sound Desert is a documentary about the Californian Desert music scene, which gave birth to bands like Kyuss and Queens Of The Stone Age. What basically started by revolving punk rock kids - hidden from narrow-minded authorities of suburban desert communities in the early 80s, became a vibe over the years. The film provides a unique insight into the history of the Coachella Valley music scene: From never-ending jams in the middle of the desert to headlining huge European stages - Desert Rock, often misinterpreted as musical genre continued its underground spread and became international treasure. Lo Sound Desert is narrated by Josh Homme, Brant Bjork, Mario Lalli and many others from bands like Queens Of The Stone Age, Kyuss, Fatso Jetson, Dalis Llama, Hornss, Fu Manchu etc.
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