City Hall is a gripping drama that delves into the dark underbelly of politics and corruption in New York City. The story follows a deputy mayor who becomes entangled in a web of drug dealers, government corruption, and a dangerous investigation. As he uncovers the truth, he must navigate a treacherous world of power and deceit to bring justice to the city.
A Vietnam War veteran, after the death of his friend, takes over Central Park and sets up booby traps to prevent anyone from entering. He demands that the U.S. government recognize the rights of Vietnam veterans and provide them with the support they need. As tensions rise, a reporter and the deputy mayor try to negotiate with him before the situation escalates into violence.
After the death of his daughter, a detective becomes alcoholic and is framed for murder. On the run, he teams up with a tough bounty hunter to uncover corruption and seek revenge.
During the French Revolution, a diverse group of individuals, including a candlemaker, a peasant uprising, and a widow, come together on a journey that reveals the complexities of their lives and the impact of the revolution on their society.
A tale of corruption, adultery, and murder in a small town in France, where the deputy mayor gets involved in a love triangle, leading to the death of his ill wife. The plot unfolds with a confession of a crime, chronic depression, and a husband murdering his wife.
A group of documentary filmmakers chronicle the 2008 Democratic National Convention.
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