Old Dogs follows the story of two business partners, Charlie and Dan, who suddenly find themselves taking care of twin children. They struggle to balance their bachelor lifestyles with the responsibilities of parenting, leading to a series of comedic mishaps and challenges. Along the way, they navigate through a variety of hilarious situations including accidents, prison, and even an encounter with a gorilla. Through it all, they learn valuable lessons about friendship, love, and the importance of family.
Dark Matter is a thrilling documentary that explores the exhilarating sport of snowboarding and the unique challenges faced by athletes in mastering the art of riding the slopes. With a focus on depth perception and the awe-inspiring power of snow, this film takes viewers on a breath-taking journey into the unknown depths of the sport.
When a mechanical arm at Parallax Computer Systems drops a software cartridge and inserts itself in its place, it creates a power surge that turns four programs into viruses: Megahert, the leader; Indexx, his advisor; Null, a lackey, and the uncontrollable Minus. The Parallax Computer responds by activating four Computer Warriors, Romm, Gridd, Micron, and Scanner. All eight ride on circuitboard gliders. The Computer Warriors chase the viruses into a telecomm port, and Romm believes the viruses neutralized in the explosion, but they have escaped into the material world and discovered the ability to convert household objects for their own use. Scanner discovers this and the Computer Warriors learn to do the same, capturing the viruses each on his own CD Rom.
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