Years ago, a young Christopher Robin met and befriended a group of anthropomorphic creatures in the Hundred Acre Wood. However, after Christopher left for college, the creatures went into starvation and developed a hatred for humanity. Five years later, Christopher and his wife Mary return to the desolate Hundred Acre Wood and are ambushed by Piglet. Pooh and Piglet drag Christopher into the woods, showing him the remains of Eeyore and burning Mary's corpse. Later, a group of university students rent a cabin in the Hundred Acre Wood, where they are hunted down by Pooh and Piglet. Maria and Jessica decide to rescue their friend Alice from the duo, but face intense violence. Christopher appears and crushes Pooh between two vehicles, but Pooh frees himself and kills Maria. A traumatised Christopher flees as Pooh repeatedly stabs Maria's corpse.
When a series of copycat killings occur, detectives Jake Doyle and Mary Kelly turn to the expertise of an imprisoned serial killer known as The Artist. As Mary delves into The Artist's disturbed mind, they find themselves caught in a deadly game of wits with both The Artist and his imitator, racing against time to outsmart and apprehend the killers.
Swing Shift is a drama and romance film set in the 1940s and revolves around the lives of women working in an aircraft factory during World War II. The plot explores themes of extramarital affairs, jealousy, friendship between women, female bonding, male chauvinism, and the impact of the war on their personal lives.
A desert family offers a traveling stranger its hospitality, but the stranger doesn't realize exactly what they have in store for him.
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