In an alternate fantasy world, the Demon King reigns with a formidable army led by his Four Heavenly Kings. One happens to be Uchimura Denosuke, a normal salaryman unexpectedly plucked from his mundane life by the Demon King himself. But even in this new realm, Uchimura is bestowed no particular powers. Can he survive treacherous missions with only the knowledge of an office worker?
The bloodlines of "Oni" and "Momotaro" have been passed down among certain humans for generations. Long ago, the Oni, aware of their own ferocity, lived in seclusion. However, their peace was shattered by an invasion led by Momotaro. Over thousands of years, these two factions formed the "Momotaro Agency" and the "Oni Agency," respectively, and have been locked in conflict ever since. The protagonist, Shiki Ichinose, suddenly learns of his Oni lineage following an unexpected attack by Momotaro. This revelation sets Shiki on a path to discover the destiny that lies within his blood — a meeting with the Oni dwelling within him. A new generation of dark heroics begins here in this tale of demons!
"Hero" is the worst punishment in the world. For those convicted of heinous crimes, they are sentenced to become a “Hero" and forced to enter the mandatory military service in the war against the Demon Lords. These convicts are not even allowed to die—if killed, they will be resurrected to fight another day. Hero Xylo Forbartz, former head of the Order of the Holy Knights, leads a penal unit of deplorables fighting on the front lines. It’s in these direst of circumstances that he meets Teoritta, one of the world’s the strongest weapons. "When every last enemy has been defeated, you are to shower me with praise and pat my head." In order to survive and to take revenge on those who wronged him, he makes a pact with the goddess and launches headfirst into a maelstrom of war and intrigue.
A live action adaptation of the 1995 JRPG of the same name.
While grieving the loss of his late wife, a world-renowned author goes into seclusion on an island in the Gulf of Maine. In his isolation, he befriends a strange entity that may not be of this world.
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