In Crime Busters, two friends who are unemployed find themselves taking on the role of crime-fighting heroes after a series of events. They stumble upon a plot involving a corrupt boss and must use their wits and unconventional methods to bring him to justice. With plenty of action, comedy, and adventure, Crime Busters keeps audiences entertained from start to finish.
Rainer toils by the sweat of his brow on a building site. His first job as site manager is his much-needed big break. Rising rents in the city have already forced him, his pregnant wife and 13-year-old daughter Doreen to move into a little house in the outskirts which needs renovating. At first, Doreen is not thrilled about her new life but then she meets her neighbour Mara, a girl whose parents are as rich as they are narrow-minded. Before long the new friends are playing with fire. Mara incites Doreen to play some nasty tricks and also entangles her in a theft.
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