Gagarine follows the story of Yuri, a young boy living in a Parisian suburb who becomes fascinated with space and dreams of becoming an astronaut. However, his dreams are threatened when his housing project is scheduled for demolition. With the help of his friends, Yuri embarks on a mission to save his home and create a community in the process. The film combines magical realism and drama to explore themes of perseverance, imagination, and the power of friendship.
In 'Herbie Rides Again,' a Volkswagen Beetle named Herbie comes to life and helps a woman named Nicole battle an evil land developer who wants to demolish her home. With his quirky personality and magical abilities, Herbie creates chaos and hilarity wherever he goes.
A truck driver named Truck Turner finds himself in a small town run by a corrupt official. When his brother is falsely accused of a crime, Truck takes matters into his own hands and becomes a one-man army to save him and expose the corruption.
Blue Crush 2 is an adventure film that follows a young surfer named Dana as she travels to South Africa to fulfill her mother's dream of competing in a surfing competition. Along the way, she faces challenges, forms new friendships, and discovers her own strength and style. With stunning surfing scenes and a heartfelt story, Blue Crush 2 is a gripping film that showcases the power of determination and the beauty of the ocean.
In a post-nuclear future, a rebel gang must battle against an oppressive government, led by the President, in order to escape the destruction of their neighborhood. With explosions, gun battles, and brutal violence, they fight for their lives and the survival of their community.
Benny Rubin is a New York City vaudeville performer who inherits a hotel in California, and takes all of his ham-actor friends there, as chefs, bellhops, maids and waiters, to help him run it. BUsiness is bad so Benny plants a story that his late uncle hid his fortune in the hotel. The place is soon filled with guests who tear down the hotel looking for the non-existent fortune.
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