Beasts of the Southern Wild is a story about a young girl named Hushpuppy, who lives in a poverty-stricken community called the Bathtub. She faces numerous challenges, including a devastating storm, melting ice caps, and the loss of her mother. Despite these hardships, Hushpuppy shows resilience and determination as she navigates through a world filled with danger and uncertainty.
Jun, a second-generation Chinese youth, reluctantly joins a rice sowing campaign. Working alongside a family of generational rice farmers, he begins to question his roots and true identity. Amidst the buzzing mosquitoes, noisy tractors, and constant calls from his mother, Jun explores his Asian origins.
A poor village in Herzegovina suffers from constant flooding and different armies that periodically plunder the countryside. One woman is convinced that the solution to the problems lies in making a tunnel that should take the water to the sea.
This short follows two duck hunters in the Sacramento River Valley.
Delta Blues is a documentary about the environmental crash of one of the most important ecosystems in the United States - and one of the least known. The California Delta is the center of disputes over fish, water supplies for over 60 percent of the state and the future of farming in the Central Valley. Add in the fact that California is broke, the continued lack of political will to solve the crisis and the possible extinction of two species of fish, and a dramatic tale begins to unfold.
This film is about the emotions that can lead one to take that jump into space necessary for hang gliding with a Delta Plane.
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