Driven is a biographical drama based on the true story of an FBI informant who becomes involved in a high-profile trial. Set in 1977, the film follows the story of a car designer who gets caught up in a drug deal and becomes entangled with the FBI. The plot revolves around the informant's journey as he navigates the dangerous world of cocaine smuggling and the consequences it has on his personal life.
John Z DeLorean’s extraordinary and doomed attempt to build the sports car of the future in 1980s Northern Ireland is the stuff of legend. A buccaneering American entrepreneur, DeLorean had film star looks, a famous fashion model as a wife, and an enormous ego that drove him to rival the giants of the US car industry.
Chronicles the history of the iconic DeLorean automobile from the rise and fall of legendary automaker John Z. DeLorean, to to the international phenomenon of loyal owners and devoted fans who've kept the dream alive for over three decades.
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