Tokyo Revengers follows the story of Takemichi Hanagaki, a young man who discovers that he can travel back in time to his middle school days. He uses this ability to try and save his girlfriend, Hinata Tachibana, from a tragic fate and change the course of his own life. Along the way, he becomes involved in the dangerous world of gangs and delinquency, facing numerous challenges and uncovering dark secrets.
Great Pretender follows the story of Makoto Edamura, a small-time Japanese con artist, who gets involved in a high-stakes scam orchestrated by Laurent Thierry, a charismatic Frenchman. Together with a team of skilled con artists, they execute elaborate plans to deceive and steal from their targets, including powerful criminals, corrupt politicians, and greedy corporations. As they travel across the globe, the boundaries between truth and lies blur, and Edamura's skills as a con artist are put to the ultimate test.
Super Crooks is a TV show about a group of super-powered criminals who come together to plan the ultimate heist. With their unique abilities and skills, they set out to steal a valuable prize and outsmart the authorities. Along the way, they face various challenges, including battles with heroes and rival villains. Will they succeed in their mission or will they end up in jail? Watch as this action-packed adventure unfolds!
District 13: Ultimatum is a high-octane action movie following an undercover cop and an ex-thug as they team up to save their district from government corruption. With martial arts, parkour, and intense fight scenes, they must uncover the truth and bring justice to the streets of Paris.
A young man navigates through the dangerous streets of Los Angeles while facing issues of violence, drugs, poverty, and betrayal.
Set three years after 'High and Low: The Worst,' the film depicts the intense rivalry between Oya High's street fighters and the delinquents of Housen Academy in a high-stakes battle.
Ikebukuro West Gate Park follows Makoto, a young delinquent who becomes entangled in the complex and violent world of gang warfare in Ikebukuro. As he strives to protect his friends and navigate the treacherous streets of the city, Makoto must face the brutal murders, corruption, and rival gangs that threaten his life and the lives of those he holds dear.
In a future where aliens have become integrated into society, a human police officer must overcome his prejudice and partner with an alien to solve a murder. As they investigate, they uncover a conspiracy that threatens the uneasy truce between aliens and humans.
Presumed dead, master con artist and recovering amnesiac Dorothy is discovered by Shanghai Longu-bang, a mob who wants payback for her conning them. With no memories and nowhere to go, she must rely on a local crime underboss to elude Taipei's criminal underworld all while tracking down leads to her mysterious past.
Colors is a movie that explores the violent world of gang warfare in East Los Angeles. It follows the lives of two police officers assigned to the gang unit as they try to maintain peace in an area torn apart by violence and drugs. The movie highlights the brutal realities of life in the barrios and the challenges faced by both the police and the gangs.
Dirty Pretty Things follows the story of an illegal immigrant chambermaid in London who discovers a shocking secret involving the illegal organ trade. As she navigates through the city's underworld, she must confront her own fears and fight for justice.
The Best Job in the World is a comedy-drama movie that takes place in 1990s France. It follows the story of a middle school history teacher who transfers to a junior high school in a Parisian suburb. The teacher faces various challenges, including dealing with a gang of students, racist slurs, social violence, and accusations of pedophilia. The movie explores themes of racism, education, and the complexities of teaching in a multicultural society.
The Big Bounce is a comedy crime movie where a con artist named Jack Ryan gets seduced by a beautiful woman and agrees to help her in a heist. As the plan unfolds, Jack realizes that nothing is what it seems and he must navigate through a web of deception to survive.
After his girlfriend leaves him, a mechanic embarks on a journey to find meaning in life and confronts his own inner demons.
An abandoned child steals to survive and has problems when he decides to steal from the priest who helps him.
Futakotamagawa High School had a Baseball Club, but because of a fight during one of their games, they were suspended for a year from all games. Composed of student delinquents, Futakotamagawa High's new Literature teacher Kawato Koichi inspires the Baseball Club to believe in a dream goal once again. For them, it is to play at the Koshien - Japan's National High School Baseball Championship. But, Kawato Koichi and the newly reformed baseball team run into plenty of obstacles along the way...
Open Heart is a TV show about a teenage girl who becomes a rebellious delinquent after her older sister mysteriously disappears. She is sent to live with her grandfather, who works at a hospital in Canada, and becomes an intern there. She discovers a secret about the hospital and gets involved in a dangerous adventure.
A troubled teenager falls in love with Florence, his 73-year-old neighbor.
Toxic Love tells the story of a cross-dresser who becomes involved in drug addiction, crime, and social issues in the 1980s. The movie explores themes of love, death, and the gritty reality of life.