Railway Station is a documentary short film that takes place in a train station in Warsaw, Poland. The film explores the daily life of the workers, passengers, and the surveillance systems in place at the station. It also touches on topics such as espionage, propaganda, and strikes.
When a mother dies of heart failure in a doctor's office, the physician--feeling somewhat guilty because he couldn't save her--takes an interest in the woman's young daughter, and makes her his ward, but his fiancé doesn't particularly like it. After he returns from a three-year engagement in Europe, the doctor discovers that his ward is now a beautiful, full-grown woman, and finds himself falling for her--even though she's engaged to his fiancé's brother.
A children’s animated feature film based on an internationally bestselling book series for a main target audience of 3 to 8 year olds telling a universal story about friendship, loyalty and honesty in which Little Raven and his friends have to work up all their courage to save their beloved forest.
After a long decade of separation, a rising politician accompanies his ex-wife to the airport, thirsting for closure. As both fight with their inner demons, a suicide bomber threatens them. Will they find redemption this smiling afternoon?
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