Based on a true story, 3096 Days follows the harrowing ordeal of a young girl who is kidnapped and held captive for over eight years. The film explores her struggles to survive, the psychological torture she endures, and her ultimate triumph of perseverance and resilience.
During the Texas War of Independence in the 1830s, a soldier from the Alamo is accused of cowardice. He must defend himself and prove his bravery during the epic Battle of the Alamo.
A young girl is kidnapped and molested by a classmate's father. The man she identifies is arrested and jailed, but is later released on bail. He calls the girl's mother and threatens to kidnap her daughter again, and this time kill her and make sure her body will never be found. She goes to the authorities for help, but there's nothing they can do until he actually tries something. Afraid for her daughter's life, the mother decides to take matters into her own hands.
A bankrupt officer, accused of cheating at cards, defends his honour with a writ.
In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, a history teacher's life is turned upside down when a sex video of her with her partner is leaked. As she navigates the fallout and tries to defend herself against the hypocritical and judgmental society, the film delves into themes of prejudice, fascism, and the unintended consequences of cancel culture.
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