Nine Queens is a gripping crime drama thriller that follows the story of a con-man and his partner as they attempt to execute a lucrative swindle involving rare stamps. Set in Buenos Aires, Argentina, the film takes the viewers on a thrilling journey filled with deception, revenge, and unexpected twists.
It tells the story of a young female social worker who begins work at a hospital for retarded children, and discovers that some of the psychological problems attributed to these children are incorrectly diagnosed. Proving this to be the case is difficult, however, as it is generally accepted that as those who are 'profoundly retarded' cannot communicate, therefore they cannot think. In the case of Annie O'Farrell (Tina Arhondis), finding a way for her to 'talk', other than speaking or writing, finally shows that she is not only able to think, but is highly intelligent. The battle against the hospital to acknowledge this in a legal sense goes to court, as the psychiatrists try to hide their misdiagnosis.
The tale about the brave hare - long ears, slanting eyes, short tail. He was so authoritative like a boss of all forests that even the wolf scared him.
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