A documentary that follows the life of beloved actor and advocate Michael J. Fox. It explores his personal and professional triumphs and travails, and depicts what happens when an incurable optimist confronts an incurable disease.
It's Not Yet Dark is a documentary that follows the journey of a filmmaker diagnosed with ALS, a debilitating disease. Despite his physical limitations, he continues to pursue his passion for filmmaking with the help of a voice simulator and the support of his wife and caregivers. The film explores the challenges he faces and the inspiring resilience he displays in the face of adversity.
A controversial osteopath sets out to cure the daughter of a famous surgeon - and falls in love with her in the process.
Anindilyakwa man, Steve 'Bakala' Wurramara is afflicted with a profound hereditary neurodegenerative disorder. While modern medicine looks for answers, the stories of an ancient curse and black magic still permeate this remote Aboriginal community in far northern Australia. Bakala enlists the help of his daughter to search for a cure from the traditional bush medicines in the land, desperate to find an answer before she too is diagnosed. As his desperation grows and his disorder takes an ever greater hold, Bakala realises he must fight this ancient curse to unlock the secrets of his Ancestors.
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