EastEnders is a British soap opera that follows the lives of various families and individuals in the fictional East London neighborhood of Walford. The show explores a wide range of social and cultural issues, including crime, drama, romance, and topical issues such as domestic abuse, racism, and HIV. It portrays the everyday lives of its diverse characters, showcasing their struggles, relationships, and triumphs.
General Hospital is a drama-filled soap opera set in the fictional city of Port Charles, New York. The show follows the lives of doctors, nurses, and other staff members at the hospital, intertwining their personal and professional storylines. With a rich history spanning decades, General Hospital continues to captivate viewers with its compelling characters and complex relationships.
Neighbours is a drama-filled soap opera set in an Australian suburb, focusing on the lives of its residents and their relationships, rivalries, and various challenges.
In the small town of Castle Rock, a new shop called 'Needful Things' opens, offering items that fulfill people's deepest desires. However, as the residents become obsessed with their newfound possessions, chaos and violence ensue. It's up to the sheriff to uncover the truth behind the sinister shop owner's intentions.
Suspended Inspector Gadar Singh is summoned to a crime scene where the Chandel family is found hanging. One of them survives, leading to media frenzy and speculation of murder.
In a small village, a young blind girl and her mother live secluded from the outside world. When a mysterious illness turns people into flesh-eating monsters, they must navigate through the horrors of the countryside to find safety. Along the way, they encounter trauma, abuse, and dehumanization as they fight to stay alive.
Passions is a TV show set in the fictional town of Harmony, New England, where the lives of the residents are filled with love, secrets, and supernatural forces. The show follows a diverse cast of characters, including witches, a love triangle, and a variety of other dramatic storylines. The plot explores themes such as family drama, infidelity, blackmail, murder, and witchcraft. Passions also delves into topics like rape, amnesia, infertility, and supernatural-fantasy elements. Throughout the series, there are weddings, deaths, and unexpected twists that keep viewers engaged.
In this mythical fantasy, the evil queen of Atlantis lives in a magnificent palace, the halls of which are filled with the mummified remains of former lovers.
Five beautiful girls vie for a chance to become the spokesmodel for diva DeeDee DeVille's new high-end line of lingerie. The claws come out when the competition gets fierce, but when they begin to disappear one by one, they soon find that they are competing for their lives...
Five friends spend their holidays on a faraway island in the sea. On the last day of the holidays, out of the blue, Björn informs his friends that he will not return home but intends to stay in this paradise forever. There is no sign of life from Björn after that. His best friend Meikel is very concerned about the mysterious disappearance - but nobody cares and no one helps him in his search for the lost friend.
As Germany's fortunes in the latter part of World War II wane, several young boys, in their enthusiasm to do something "for the fatherland", volunteer to fight with the German army in the East. Horrified at the news that their children left for the Russian front, the boys' mothers begin a desperate effort to get their sons back.
Fifteen-year-old Loretta knows we all have to die. Will she be able to do a "dance" of life? The untold story of the narrator in Nick Cave's dark ballad, boldly performed by Katarzyna Groniec.
Allied commandos try to knock out Nazi communications on the French coast.
In February 1993, the world watched as the biggest armed siege in American history. The bungled raid, on the headquarters of the extreme religious group led by David Koresh, culminated in the deaths of 84, including 22 Britons.
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