Mountains of the Moon is an epic drama based on the true story of the exploration of the Nile. It follows the journey of British army captain Richard Francis Burton and his friend John Hanning Speke as they embark on an expedition to discover the source of the Nile. Along the way, they face numerous challenges, including battles with native Africans, encounters with slavery, wildlife, and the mysteries of the African jungle. The movie also explores themes of obsession, illness, and the complexities of friendship.
In the 19th century, a professor arrives in California to study the last surviving member of a native American tribe. As he learns about their culture and language, he becomes emotionally invested in their plight and tries to prevent their extinction.
Haunted by the drowning death of his own daughter, a police investigator embarks on an obsessive 10-year hunt for the identity of a dead boy, to the detriment of his family life.
Set in 1973 during the coup d'etat in Chile, Max recalls his encounters in London during World War II with French aviator Antoine, a childhood hero he first met in his native country one morning in 1932 and who initiated him to the wonders of aviation.
A man flies to South East Asia to start a new life. However, he soon finds his life being threatened by events beyond his control or understanding, and his grip on reality begins to spiral out of control.
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