The Summit (2012) is a gripping documentary that tells the story of a disastrous expedition to the summit of K2, the world's second tallest mountain. Through a combination of video footage, interviews, and reenactments, the film explores the challenges faced by the climbers, the conflicting stories surrounding the events, and the ultimate tragedy that unfolds. It delves into the themes of man versus nature, survival, and the harsh realities of mountain climbing.
An experienced mountain rescue team is tasked with recovering crucial documents from Everest’s notorious death zone
A gender-questioning stock market trader is determined to make it in the world of finance — not for the glory or wealth, but because it's leading them on the path to freedom.
May 25, 1996 - Bruce Herrod, a South African mountaineer reached the summit of Everest at 5 p.m. On the radio, we urge him to come down as soon as possible because the descent is dangerous in the middle of the night. A few hours later, no news from him. From this South African expedition which turned into a fiasco and another expedition carried out in parallel, the testimonies of the members of these expeditions show to what extent the thirst for climbing to the top of certain mountaineers, combined with the lack of oxygen , can alter the lucidity of climbers to the point of changing their relationship to death and thus lead them to neglect other expedition members in order to ensure their victory or save their own life.
A small, elite fraternity of high-altitude skiers climb the highest peaks in the world in pure Alpine style, carrying their skis and declining to use supplemental oxygen. At the top of the world, high in the Death Zone, they lock into their skis and challenge the most dangerous slopes in the world—under weather conditions that are as perilous as the thin air, hidden crevasses and 10,000 ft. sheer faces that drop into Nepal and Tibet far below.
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