A young farm boy named Luke Skywalker teams up with a Jedi Knight, a pilot, a Wookiee, and two droids to rescue Princess Leia from the evil Darth Vader and stop the Empire from using their world-destroying battle station. They must navigate the galaxy, battle stormtroopers, and learn the ways of the Force to bring freedom to the galaxy.
In the final installment of the Skywalker saga, Rey learns of the return of Emperor Palpatine. With the help of her friends, she embarks on a mission to find a Sith wayfinder to locate Palpatine's hidden fleet. Along the way, Rey learns about her true lineage and faces off against Kylo Ren. The Resistance must gather allies from across the galaxy to defeat the First Order and bring balance to the Force.
In a time of conflict, a group of unlikely heroes band together on a mission to steal the plans to the Death Star, the Empire's ultimate weapon of destruction. They face various obstacles, including a power-hungry Imperial officer and the devastating capabilities of the Death Star. With self-sacrifice and determination, they fight against the odds to save the rebellion and fulfill the dream of their fallen loved ones.
In LEGO Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Out, the galaxy is in chaos as the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance continue their epic battle. When Darth Vader loses his temper and goes on a rampage, it's up to Luke Skywalker and his friends to find a way to restore peace. This hilarious movie is filled with slapstick comedy and parodies of beloved Star Wars characters.
Darth Vader hires Boba Fett to track down Jar Jar Binks, who has caused a lot of trouble for Vader. This leads Binks and Fett on a game of cat-and-mouse like never seen before.
Thumb Wars: The Phantom Cuticle is a comedic sci-fi adventure that parodies popular space opera films. The story follows a reluctant hero who must rescue a princess and battle against an evil empire with the help of a ragtag team of characters. Filled with high-tech gadgets, alien encounters, and plenty of humor, Thumb Wars is a laugh-out-loud spoof that will entertain audiences of all ages.
A lonely widower stalks his deserted mansion, gloomily contemplating ending his own life. His last word may hold the key to what has sent him down this dark path.
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