The Enforcer is a crime thriller film-noir movie released in 1951. The story revolves around an assistant district attorney who is tasked with taking down a criminal gang. As he gets closer to exposing their operation, he becomes a target and must navigate a dangerous web of deception and violence. With twists and turns at every corner, the Enforcer will keep you on the edge of your seat.
In the midst of the Boer War, three Australian soldiers are brought to trial for alleged war crimes. As the court-martial unfolds, it becomes clear that the officers were following orders from higher-ranked British officials. The defense lawyer does his best to prove that the accused soldiers were scapegoats in a politically motivated trial.
In Sicily, during the 1970s, a powerful mafia don threatens a family's unity by forcing a young woman into a marriage with his own son. The family faces poverty, violence, and social struggles, leading to a dramatic climax.
In Hornblower: Retribution, naval officer Horatio Hornblower faces mutiny, betrayal, and a Spanish enemy as he navigates the treacherous waters of the Napoleonic War. With ship mutinies, court-martials, and a tyrannical captain, Hornblower must navigate his own sense of justice and morality amidst the chaos of war.
Blondie Maxwell is a future anticipation thriller. It explores the consequences of unreasonable use of technology and artificial intelligence while addressing concepts of the ultra uberisation of society and the privatization of justice.
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