Mister Roberts follows the story of a young Navy lieutenant serving on a naval destroyer during World War II. Despite the hardships and chaotic environment, he manages to find humor and camaraderie among the crew. The plot revolves around his struggles with a tyrannical captain, his desire to see combat, and his efforts to improve the living conditions and morale of the crew.
Set in 1942 during World War II, 'Up Periscope' follows an American submarine commander who embarks on a dangerous secret mission in the Pacific Theater. As he navigates the treacherous waters of the South Pacific, he encounters various obstacles, including Japanese forces, and must race against time to complete his mission and ensure the success of the Allied forces. Along the way, he faces personal challenges and unexpected romance.
Hell Below is a movie from 1933 that tells the story of a naval officer in a submarine during World War I. The movie explores themes of friendship, loyalty, and the challenges of warfare.
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