In the early 1900s, a group of conservationists embarks on a survival adventure in the treacherous Florida Everglades. They face various challenges including encounters with dangerous animals, crooked businessmen, and environmental issues. Along the way, they develop a mutual respect for each other and the fragile ecosystem they are trying to protect.
In 1909, Dr. Ehrlich, a German Jew and exceptional physician, researches the treatment of syphilis at a German medical institute. Facing challenges such as limited funding, antisemitism, and the death of his husband, Dr. Ehrlich perseveres in his quest for a cure. With groundbreaking innovations including the development of Salvarsan, a magic bullet against syphilis, he becomes a renowned figure in the medical community.
During World War II, a woman named Jean is taken prisoner by the Japanese in Malaya. She and a group of women are forced to march through the jungle and endure various hardships. Jean befriends a fellow prisoner, Joe, and they develop a deep bond. After the war, Jean travels to Australia and learns that Joe is alive and living in Alice Springs. She decides to go to Alice Springs to find Joe and build a life together.
A man comes to a western town willing to discover the perpetrators of the robbery of a bank, where a significant amount of gold disappeared and witnesses were cruelly murdered. One of the thieves is now getting rid of the accomplices, using some deadly snakes that only seem to obey him.
Professor Tidewater tours Ireland with his two daughters to investigate the origins of ghost stories. After the girls leave him at Belmore Castle, reputed to be haunted, the Hindu caretaker Sakes relates the following tale: Henry Claven, Sakes' master, courted his beautiful neighbor Betty Truesdale, but when she became engaged to Captain Bob Lambert, Claven precipitated a duel by telling Lambert that he knew his mother was a negress
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