Bad Education (2004) is a gripping and intense drama set in a Catholic boarding school in Madrid, Spain. The film explores themes of sexual identity, drug abuse, childhood trauma, and the corruption within the Catholic Church. The story follows an investigative journalist who uncovers a scandal involving a pedophile priest and his past relationships with the students. As the journalist delves deeper, he confronts his own personal demons and the dark secrets of the school. This thought-provoking film paints a disturbing picture of power, abuse, and the consequences of remaining silent.
Animal Kingdom tells the story of a crime family in Melbourne, Australia, led by the matriarch Janine 'Smurf' Cody. When the family's activities draw the attention of the police, they must navigate the dangerous world of crime and betrayal. The film explores themes of loyalty, survival, and the impact of a life of crime on individuals and their relationships.
A mix between "Schoolgirl Report" and "Christiane F.".
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