The Bélier Family is a heartwarming comedy-drama set in rural France. Paula, a 16-year-old girl, is the only hearing member of her deaf family. Despite her responsibilities on their dairy farm, Paula discovers her exceptional talent for singing. Encouraged by her music teacher, she decides to audition for a prestigious singing competition. However, pursuing her dreams means leaving her family behind and facing various challenges. The movie explores themes of family, love, and self-discovery.
Bangkok Dangerous is a crime thriller movie about a deaf-mute hitman who seeks revenge after his mentor is murdered. The movie is set in Bangkok, Thailand, and features graphic violence, gun battles, and a final showdown with the mob boss.
Starring Ian Veneracion, Jonh Regala, E.R. Ejercito, Gardo Versoza, Jon Hernandez, Tony Ferrer, Johnny Delgado, Rina Reyes, Roldan Aquino, Dick Israel, Shirley Fuentes, Perla Bautista, Suzanne Gonzales, Turko Cervantes, Joboy Gomez, Evelyn Vargas, Edward Salvador and Debrliz / Directed by Toto Natividad
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