In the city of Tokyo, a giant space monster called Dogora appears and begins consuming coal and diamonds. As the police and scientists scramble to understand and stop the creature, a gang of criminals hatches a plan to use the chaos to their advantage and carry out a daring diamond heist. As the monster wreaks havoc on the city, a police detective and an insurance investigator must join forces to stop both the gang and the monster before it's too late.
Blood Feast is a cult classic horror film directed by Herschell Gordon Lewis. It follows a caterer who kills women to use their body parts in a gruesome ancient ritual.
On a tropical island, a group of supermodels are being targeted and killed one by one. As the bodies pile up, the survivors must figure out who is behind the murders and stay alive. With comical deaths, flatulence, and a diverse cast of characters, this movie is both funny and thrilling.
After a catastrophic event, a woman named Evelyn finds herself as the last woman on Earth. She navigates the new reality and faces various challenges in this post-apocalyptic world.
A small-town sheriff in California investigates the murder of a pregnant woman found dead on a beach. As he delves into the case, he discovers a web of secrets and uncovers a complex male-female relationship. The investigation leads him to a veterinarian who owns a Doberman, a closeted lesbian bar owner, and a lesbian lover. As the sheriff gets closer to the truth, he finds himself framed for the murder and must clear his name before it's too late.
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