Beasts of the Southern Wild is a story about a young girl named Hushpuppy, who lives in a poverty-stricken community called the Bathtub. She faces numerous challenges, including a devastating storm, melting ice caps, and the loss of her mother. Despite these hardships, Hushpuppy shows resilience and determination as she navigates through a world filled with danger and uncertainty.
Struggling actor, Reagan Pearce, is kidnapped by two criminals who are desperate for money. Forced to participate in a deadly game of cat-and-mouse, Reagan must use his acting skills to stay alive and outsmart his captors.
Dismal is a chilling horror film that takes place in the remote backwoods. A group of friends find themselves in a fight for survival as they encounter a sadistic killer and face a series of gruesome challenges. With blood, violence, and intense torture, Dismal delivers a horrifying and adrenaline-pumping experience.
A nebbish plots to murder his overbearing wife.
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