On My Skin is a gripping biographical drama based on the true story of Stefano Cucchi, an Italian man who died in police custody. The film highlights the abuse of power and corruption within the Italian police and justice system, as well as the struggle faced by Cucchi and his family to seek justice for his death. Through a one-week time span, the movie explores themes of police misconduct, human rights abuse, and the failure of the legal system.
In a suburban neighborhood, the normalcy of daily life is disrupted when a voice of God starts speaking through every radio. The messages from the voice challenge the residents to question their beliefs, reevaluate their relationships, and confront their fears. As the voice continues to speak, tensions rise, secrets are revealed, and lives are transformed in unexpected ways.
This is a work depicting a man suffering from dissociative identity disorder, who is different on each day of the week, from the perspective of "I" on Tuesday.
8 Minutes Idle is a comedy about Dan Thomas, a daydreaming call center worker who is evicted from his house and forced to find his place in the world. He navigates through the challenges of office politics, unemployment, and his complicated relationships with his family and coworkers.
Romantic-comedy about a college student obsessed with "Annie Hall" who is just shaking off his addiction when he meets the modern version of Annie herself.
Would-be politician Sir Hugo Boycott and his wife Madeleine have an unhappy marriage. Madeleine is aware that Hugo is a serial philanderer, and their problems are exacerbated when she fails to produce the heir he wants.
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