Tells the story of young Daniela ‘Blue Jeans’ Anselmi, a free-spirited drifter who makes her way in life by selling sexual favors and practicing petty-crime. After Daniela is arrested, the man who might be her long-lost father is called into her life to look after her.
Teenager Carmín lives in a mountainous village in the center of Puerto Rico with her tough and conservative grandmother. Her mother left for the US without her. The arrival of her father, after long years in prison, eases Carmín’s profound sadness. The relationship with him, however, brings its own ambiguousness and complexities and as Carmín moves into womanhood this causes great confusion, mostly for her.
Every Sunday, Mary, Alice and Joan, three long-time friends, find themselves at the pool to talk about their love affairs. Mary, who is a stockbroker, leads her love life with meetings. One night she is raped by Franck in a nightclub toilet. The young woman then discovers she is pregnant. Alice, a student dominated by an authoritarian father, she has difficult relationship with men. She meets a painter who wants to make her his model. Jeanne lives a dreary relationship with her husband and decides to work and earn a living through prostitution.
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