Chinese Roulette is a suspenseful drama set in a family mansion. The film follows a married couple who invite unexpected guests to their home, leading to a series of revelations and conflicts. As dark secrets are exposed, the family's relationships are deeply tested. With themes of infidelity, deception, and hidden desires, Chinese Roulette explores the complex dynamics within a family.
Ellie decides to go back home for Christmas, and help her dad with the candle-making business. Little does she know, however, that her father has charming, writer Logan staying with him, looking for inspiration for his writings.
After living as a hippie, a young woman named Denise decides to come home to her dysfunctional family to attend her sister's wedding. However, her return uncovers deep-seated issues within the family, including strained relationships, hidden secrets, and unresolved conflicts.
Tevye is a dairyman in the Russian Ukraine early in the 20th century. He lives in a cabin outside Boyberik with his wife Goldie, his widowed daughter Tseytl, her two children, and his younger daughter, the unmarried Khave. Khave is being courted by Fedya, a Christian, the son of a local government official. Tevye warns Khave against romance and marriage outside her faith, but Fedya is persuasive too. What will Khave decide, how will Tevye react, and when the Tsar initiates a pogrom, will Tevye's friends come to his defense? Can the stubborn Tevye reconcile his heart and tradition?
A man sacrifices a new marriage for the happiness of his daughter.
Sex Madness is a drama film from 1934 that warns against the consequences of engaging in premarital sex and the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. The story follows a young woman who is corrupted by the immoral influences of the big city, resulting in her contracting a venereal disease. Through various exploitative situations, the film explores the devastating consequences of unsafe sexual behavior.
This two-reel Lloyd Hamilton comedy. Set in the bucolic countryside, the opening sequence introduces Ham and his girlfriend Babe London as "the hired man and his three acres of love.". Ham encounters an attractive, prosperous-looking young lady who is having car trouble. After gallantly fixing her flat tire and when he realizes that the young lady has left her purse behind with her address inside he sets out to return it, no doubt hoping for a reward, either monetary or romantic.
A burlesque of the old standard dramatic plot in which daughter, returning from the big city with unexpected wealth, arrives just in the nick of time to defeat the cruel, cruel landlord, save the old homestead from a tragic foreclosure, and keep the aged folks from being driven out into the blinding snowstorm.
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