Holidays is an anthology horror-comedy film that features a series of interwoven stories revolving around different holidays. From a murderous Easter bunny to a sinister secret cult, Holidays explores the darker side of festive celebrations. With an eccentric blend of horror, humor, and fantasy, this movie takes audiences on a wild ride through the holiday season.
This film details the hacking of the Ashley Madison "extramarital affairs" website and the fallout from the public release of its users' emails.
Humans use technology to improve their lives, to forge connections, to create time that doesn’t exist, to replace real interactions. When we devise a second version of ourselves on social media, do we lose a piece of our true selves in the process? Do our digital connections threaten our real life relationships? What happens if the filtered characters we’ve imagined take on a life of their own?
Three best friends explore the world of online swipe dating in Los Angeles and quickly find out that anyone who judges you based on your salary or number of social media followers is someone who has their own soul-searching to do.
After being dumped on his birthday by his long-time girlfriend, Bud is forced to start dating again.
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