A Touch of Zen follows the story of a young artist who becomes entangled in the world of martial arts, corruption, and enlightenment in 14th century China. Set in a mountain village, the artist discovers a plot by corrupt officials and an evil eunuch, and must use his skills to defend himself and his loved ones. Along the way, he finds guidance from a Buddhist monk and learns the ways of the Zen philosophy. The film is a mesmerizing blend of action, drama, and spirituality.
In White Dog, a young woman adopts a dog only to realize that it has been trained as a vicious attack dog specifically targeting black people. She tries to undo the dog's training and confront her own racial biases.
A serial killer terrorizes a carnival, leaving behind a trail of blood and violence. As the body count rises, a group of investigators tries to solve the mystery before more innocent lives are lost.
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