Super Friends is an action-packed animated TV show from 1973 that follows the adventures of Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and other DC superheroes as they battle against various supervillains to save the world. Join these legendary heroes in their mission to protect humanity.
Challenge of the Super Friends follows a group of superheroes known as the Super Friends as they battle against a team of supervillains, the Legion of Doom. Together, they must protect the world from various threats and save the day.
Super Friends: The Legendary Super Powers Show is an animated television series based on the DC Comics superhero team the Super Friends. It follows the adventures of Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and other superheroes as they battle against supervillains to protect the world.
When the Teen Titans from different dimensions accidentally end up in the same universe, they must put aside their differences and work together to stop a powerful threat that could destroy their worlds. As they face off against their alternate selves, the two teams must learn to trust each other and harness their unique abilities to save the day.
When Superman sacrifices himself to defeat the rampaging monster known as Doomsday, the world mourns his death. However, as new threats arise, multiple characters take up the mantle of Superman to protect Metropolis. As the mystery of Superman's return unfolds, a battle between good and evil reaches its climax.
When the supervillain Darkseid threatens to destroy the world, Superman and Batman must join forces to stop him. They enlist the help of Wonder Woman and Supergirl, as they battle against Darkseid and his army of minions. Can they save the world from ultimate destruction?
The All-New Super Friends Hour follows the adventures of superheroes as they battle against a team of supervillains led by Lex Luthor. Together, they protect the world from various threats and explore outer space. The show features action, adventure, animation, and sci-fi elements, appealing to the whole family.
After the death of Superman, four new individuals emerge with his powers, causing chaos and confusion. As Lex Luthor manipulates the situation, it is up to the new Supermen to prove themselves and protect the world from evil.
The members of the Super Friends face off against the forces of evil in battles across the galaxy.
In an alternate universe, the Justice League is a brutal force of justice, led by Superman. When their world is threatened, they must uncover who is behind the murders of prominent scientists. As tensions rise and betrayals are revealed, the heroes must unite to save their world.
When the Legion of Doom threatens the peace in Metropolis, the Justice League must unite to stop them. With the help of their superpowers and teamwork, they face off against the supervillains and save the city.
The Justice League must confront the Bizarro League, a team of imperfect clones created by Darkseid. With chaos and destruction, the two teams battle it out to save the planet.
The World's Greatest Super Friends follows the adventures of a team of superheroes including Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and others as they work together to save the world from supervillains. With their unique powers and abilities, they face various threats and challenges, always striving to uphold justice and protect the innocent.
In this hilarious comedy spoof, the superheroes and villains of DC Comics come together for another adventure on Paradise Island. Lex Luthor hatches a plot to take over the world, but the Justice League and the Legion of Doom must put aside their differences and work together to save the day. With non-stop action, witty humor, and a star-studded cast of characters, this movie is a must-watch for any DC Comics fan.
Harley and Ivy are celebrating their very first Valentine's Day together. Also follows the rest of the ragtag crew and how they spend the gushiest, mushiest, most romantic day of the year.
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