Tarzan and his companions embark on a treacherous jungle adventure in search of hidden treasure. Along the way, they encounter various dangers, deception, and abduction, testing their loyalty and courage. Will they be able to overcome these obstacles and find the fortune they seek?
Richard Grant, imprisoned in India for a crime he did not commit, escapes and makes his way to Africa.
An animated around-the-world trip by airplane.
Broke lion tamers travel to Africa to make a movie about Amazon women, from a distance.
12 part movie serial where Clyde Beatty encounters obstacles and adventure on his way to rescue his damsel in distress.
A safari sets out to find a meteorite that fell in the African jungle.
A woman - raised in the jungle - tries to help an American stop a native uprising spurned on by Nazis.
Arthur Wells, an impoverished poet, impersonates a big-game hunter in an attempt to locate the missing link. However, the poet has an aversion to animals...tame or wild.
Millionaire Baron de Courland and his fiancée Linda Stewart employ Jim Logan as a guide for their hunting trip in the jungle. Linda finds unplanned adventure in her sudden love for Jim, ultimately forsaking her future with the Baron for the joys of true love.
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