ODDTAXI is a thrilling anime TV show set in a world where animals inhabit human society. The story follows a taxi driver who gets embroiled in a series of dark mysteries involving missing teenagers, psychotropic drugs, and viral posts. As the plot unfolds, the protagonist's past and the secrets of the mysterious girl he encounters are revealed.
The Suffering is a horror movie that takes place in a rural area. It follows the story of a caretaker on a farm who gets involved in dark mysteries and is haunted by supernatural beings.
In the horror thriller "JEKKA," the Monroe coffee plantation is haunted by a curse after the grandmother of an indigenous girl injects her blood into the thorns of a devil tree, cursing the family's bloodline and land. Dr. Bruce Monroe, accused of heinous crimes, meets his demise, and 20 years later, his daughter Gabriela inherits the plantation. Upon her return, she unwittingly activates the curse, unleashing violent nightmares that come to life. As Gabriela confronts the haunting legacy of her family's past, she must find a way to break the curse's hold before it consumes her. "JEKKA" is a harrowing blend of supernatural horror and psychological thriller as Gabriela fights to survive the malevolent forces unleashed upon her family's lands.
A fable of five vastly separate inner-city lives who struggle against their limitations in an interlocking tale assembled by a dark orchestrator.
It only happens at midnight; a station jingles out of nowhere and a radio starts playing a music. As days progress it becomes addictive to him. He can’t let it go and he becomes a different person. A toxic addiction is always going to make you crave for more. He undeniably needed the music, but his human nature become ecstatic, bitter and conflicted, when the music doesn’t play. As he continues his expedition to find out more about the station, he gets to know that it is also helping him out.
A woman consults a hypnotist to find lost memories. Thanks to him, she sinks into her memory and makes contact with her deceased sister. But she discovers a disturbing secret.
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