A bride's wedding night takes a sinister turn when her eccentric new in-laws force her to take part in a terrifying game. Young brothers Alex (Mark O'Brien) and Daniel Le Domas (Adam Brody) witness the killing of a man on the night of his wedding to their Aunt Helene (Nicky Guadagni). Thirty years later, Alex has returned home to marry his fiance, Grace (Samara Weaving), a former foster child eager to finally have a family. On their wedding night, he tells her that, as tradition, every outside addition to the family must play a game...
Chapelwaite is a 2021 TV show that follows the story of a family who faces supernatural horror in a seaside town. Set in the 1800s, the show explores dark themes of prejudice and family curses. The widower protagonist, an acclaimed horror novelist, moves with his children to the family estate, where they discover an empty grave and encounter terrifying supernatural entities.
October Faction follows the story of a family of monster hunters who must navigate the challenges of fighting supernatural threats while also dealing with their own personal demons. As they uncover dark family secrets and face dangerous enemies, they must confront their own inner conflicts and learn to work together to save the world.
This limited series tells the origin story of Olivia and Malcolm Foxworth and how dark family secrets shaped the Foxworth family from the very beginning.
In Bones and All, a young woman named Maren embarks on a 1000 mile journey across America, where she meets Lee, a drifter with a dark secret. As their paths intertwine, they are forced to confront their terrifying pasts and make a final stand that will test their love and survival. Can love endure their otherness?
Daniel and Ana are a normal brother and sister until they are forced into a dark and traumatic experience that forever changes their relationship. As they struggle with guilt, shame, and desire, they must confront their deepest secrets and face the consequences of their actions.
The Strange Thing About the Johnsons is a disturbing drama that explores the dark secret of a family. It delves into taboo subjects such as father-son incest and sexual abuse, creating a gripping and unsettling narrative. The film also touches on themes of possession, obsession, and the destructive power of denial.
Exile is a gripping TV show that tells the story of a family struggling with dark secrets and corruption. The main focus is on the father-son relationship, as they navigate through a web of lies and betrayal. With elements of mystery, drama, and thriller, Exile is a compelling psychological thriller that keeps viewers on the edge of their seat.
I Am the Night is a TV show set in the 1960s, following a teenage girl named Fauna Hodel who embarks on a quest to uncover the truth about her past. She discovers a dark web of corruption, racial injustice, and secrets involving her own family. Along the way, she encounters a journalist named Jay Singletary who aids her in her journey, as they navigate through the gritty and dangerous underbelly of Los Angeles.
After the death of their mother, the Parker family's dark secret of cannibalism is exposed. As they struggle to cope with their loss, they must also confront the outside world and keep their gruesome secret hidden.
Cherry Falls is a small town that is plagued by a series of gruesome murders. The killer is targeting virgins, which causes panic and fear among the residents. The local sheriff and a group of high school students must uncover the dark secrets of the town and find the killer before more lives are lost.
When a high school student is hired to work on a farm, he uncovers a dark family secret that leads to murder and manipulation. As he tries to navigate the complexities of love and loyalty, he becomes entangled in a web of guilt and deception.
In Caveat, a man suffering from memory loss agrees to spend a few days in a remote house, chained by an intercom system. As he tries to uncover the truth behind his captivity, he discovers dark secrets and a dead body hidden in a wall. With the help of a dog, he must find a way to escape before it's too late.
Homebound is a psychological horror movie that takes place in the English countryside. It follows a family dealing with a creepy and evil child, as they uncover a conspiracy and face suspenseful and mysterious events.
One & Two is a drama/fantasy/thriller movie about two siblings who possess superhuman abilities and are trapped on a remote farm by their domineering father. As they struggle to escape and uncover dark family secrets, they must confront their own brother-sister dependency relationship and face the challenges of rural life.
Freddie Musgrave's life is in turmoil when a letter implicates him in murder, things are further complicated by his feelings towards his bosses daughter, Belle, who is married to a madman.
After her father's death, a woman returns to her family's sheep farm in Yorkshire, England. She confronts her painful past, including a dark family secret involving her father. As she tries to reconcile with her estranged brother, she must also reckon with the traumatic events of her childhood. The rural setting and the haunting memories of abuse and guilt form the backdrop of this gripping drama.
Carla lives life locked inside her house with her kind but tyrannical father. When their isolation is interrupted by a mysterious stranger, Carla questions the reasons for her family's withdrawal from the outside world and discovers dark secrets that redefine their existence.
Horsehead is a chilling horror movie that explores themes of nightmares, dreams, and the dark secrets of a troubled family. It follows a young woman who discovers a hidden world within her dreams, where she must confront her fears and unravel the mysteries of her own past. With its haunting visuals and eerie atmosphere, Horsehead is a captivating and unsettling journey into the subconscious.
The House of the Seven Gables follows the story of the cursed Pyncheon family, who have been haunted by a dark secret for generations. As they struggle to escape the shadow of their past, they face imprisonment, death in the family, family conflicts, and the discovery of hidden truths. Set in the year 1828, this historical drama explores themes of betrayal, love, and the pursuit of justice.