The Rules of the Game is a comedic drama set in France that explores the lives and romances of the upper-class. The story follows a group of bourgeois characters who gather at a chateau for a hunting party, where romantic rivalries, secrets, and betrayals ensue. The film delves into the complex dynamics of class differences and the hypocrisy of the high society. With a touch of comedy and a tragic ending, The Rules of the Game is a masterpiece that reflects on the pre-World War II society and the relationships between individuals of different social standings.
In medieval Italy, a prince holds a luxurious masquerade ball in his abbey while a deadly plague ravages the land. As the partygoers indulge in their revelries, a cloaked figure representing the Red Death crashes the event and brings death and destruction to all. The prince, obsessed with defying mortality, tries to escape the horrors but soon realizes that he cannot outrun his own fate.
A woman in a coma tries to figure out what got her there.
Aldilà is an experimental film bringing together ideas about the afterlife, presenting them in five sections. The result resembles a deathly revue show, accompanied by a soundtrack running the gamut from gospel music to minimal electronica.
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